Monday, November 1, 2010

and the secret smoothie ingredient is...

Just about every morning, I make a smoothie for breakfast.  It's fun to mix and match different fruits and flavors, and I like the variety.  A few years ago, my sister asked me if I had ever tried spinach in my smoothies.  Spinach, are you you kidding me?  I'm pretty sure those were my exact words!  I like spinach.  In fact, it's one of my favorite veggies.  But spinach blended with fruit?  

I ate those words pretty quick, right after I tried my first spinach smoothie. 
Let me show you how I like to make them:
 I start with soymilk.  But you could start with juice.  I don't recommend cow's milk or rice milk... I have tried both with less than yummy results...
 Add a handful of fresh baby spinach.  Don't use frozen, I love the stuff but this is NOT the right application for it!  I use a big handful, but start with a little if you're skeptical.
 Add the fruit of your choice.  Frozen banana slices are my favorite, but you could use any combination of fresh or frozen fruit.  I also like strawberries and blueberries a lot.
 Add a little sweetener.  I like this all-natural sweetener made from Stevia leaves.  It only takes a few drops.  You could use honey, sugar, or another favorite of mine, 100% fruit juice concentrate!

 Assemble your blender...
 And blend, baby, blend!
You're just gonna have to take my word on this one.  I KNOW how weird it looks.  But it is delicious, it is refreshing, and since spinach is a "superfood," you're adding tons of vitamins and some good fiber to the most important meal of your day.

When making this for the kids, I add blueberries.  They hide the green color and suspicions are avoided!

I think sometime I will try blending some spinach with eggs, then scrambling them for green eggs and ham.  the kids don't need to know it's not green food coloring that made their breakfast so fun!

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